VENGO - API Documentation


This page is designed to provide our vendors' IT teams with all the necessary technical information to integrate their website or application with our platform seamlessly. With our API, vendors can easily place and track their orders.

The documentation covers various aspects of integration, including authentication, endpoint descriptions, request/response formats, error handling, and best practices.

We encourage vendors to review the documentation carefully and reach out to our support team if they have any questions or encounter any issues during the integration process.

Thank you for choosing our Vengo Delivery as your delivery partner, and we look forward to working with you to ensure a smooth integration process.

API Details

  1. Download API documentation here
  2. In the API documentation, you'll locate the staging URL along with test login credentials for implementation and testing within our staging environment. Upon confirmation of successful testing, we will provide you with the production login credentials. You'll need to replace the Staging URL and login credentials with the production URL and credentials. Once this update is completed, please inform us.
  3. Please note, all optional fields are mentioned in the comment as "Optional". If any fields arent mentioned optional, then those fields are mandatory.

Guidelines to Ensure Smooth Integration

  • The following things must be implemented on your website without exception to ensure smooth Integration
    1. Area Names
    2. It is mandatory to implement the area names as per this file. Download here

      Please make sure the Area Names field on your checkout page is a dropdown field. Kindly request you to follow this. If you let your user type the area name, in case the input given by your customer doesn't match with our area name. The system will not accept it.

    3. Mobile Number
    4. Please restrict your Mobile number input field to 8 Digits. The system will not allow more or less than 8 digits

      NOTE: If your website has an option for shipping internationally, please make sure to follow the above steps for Country selection "Kuwait"

    5. On-Demand/Scheduled
    6. For Both on-demand/scheduled orders, you have to pass the date & time.

      On-demand, you can pass the current date & time of order placed.

      For Scheduled, the user has to choose a date and time. Please ensure that the date and time provided fall within the designated range which should be at least two hours after the current time, and no later than 48 hours in advance.

      For example

      Imagine the current date as 1 Mar 2023 & the clock is 11 AM at the time of placing the order - If the user chooses a date for future delivery, then the user has to choose after 2 hrs from the current time for the present day. Which means 1 PM.

      If the user wants to schedule for the next coming days, then the maximum the user can choose is up to 48 hours from the current time which will be 3 Mar 2023 - 11 AM. If the user chooses a date & time below or above this designated range. The system will not accept the orders.

Please send your feedback, comments, and requests for technical support by email: or